Friday, March 25, 2016

Using C#

So my initial question for my senior research was whether I thought C# as a good language to write script for beginner game design, along with my internship. I have not started the game quite yet, but I can successfully say using Java would have made this a much easier process (at the internship). Unfortunately, I am unable to do that because the rest of their software is already in the C# language, and Loop Logic preferred uniformity. Note that in no way am I blaming the company, just pointing out a few flaws in the C# language.
Here is the man problem I have run into with C# that Java could have fixed:
when uploading a file to the browser (i.e attaching a word document to your email), C# has two ways of doing so, and only one way works all the time. Unfortunately, that one way requires the utilization of an external application, making the process much more arduous. On Java, there are two easy ways to do it that work all the time: a built in "SendKeys" method, and a package one can easily download specifically created to upload a document!
There have been a few other bugs along the way that have made me think that Java would be better as well.
I will start designing my game, so my next post will be about the pros and cons of C# in game design.


  1. I am really looking forward to hearing how your project progresses and about the game you are designing.

    When did you begin to prefer Java over C#? What are the major differences between the two languages? (I have almost no background in coding).

  2. I've only used python, java, and some other formatting languages to be honest. Is there any times where C# is better than other languages?
